Friday, May 15, 2009

May 14: Box #2

Look at all that goodness! I can't believe how incredibly convenient it is to have of this delivered right to my neighborhood! Oh, yes, I steamed up that asparagus right away for last night's dinner. Have you ever had asparagus that was fresh from the previous day's harvest? It's truly amazing how different fresh vegetables taste.

Parsnips again and no swap box, so I brought them home. This weekend I plan to get my compost pile situated. I don't have an official compost pile. I have three holes strategically placed in my garden. My hubby used a post-hole digger to get me nice, deep holes. And into these I throw my vegetable scraps. So, the vegetables decompose right there in the dirt in my front yard where the soil needs the nutrients the most. It's worked well over the years. But, now I'm thinking maybe I need something larger to accommodate all those parsnips.

It's going to be a cold weekend so we are staying in the city. I'm winging it this weekend with the menu. I figure I've got so many good veggies, I can pick some and roast, or steam whenever I feel like it!

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