Friday, May 22, 2009

CSA Box #3

Yet another week of veggie goodness. Just feeling a little bit overwhelmed. My mother is out of town, vising relatives in Chicago for the holiday weekend, so I am left with the entire box. The entire box! I started this week easy with a recipe from last week: ramp and sausage risotto. It was yummy, but a little too salty this week. I decided to try a chicken base that I bought from Ready Meats. It was just under $10. I figured that I spend $3 - $4 dollars for a carton of free range, organic chicken stock, so I thought I would try this base as it supposedly will last me a year. But it was too rich and too salty. I'm going to try again to see if it tastes better when it is thinned down.

Anyway, so here's the results! Yummy!

I topped each plate with these:

We also got these jewels in the box.

I had to try to capture a closer look at these beauties. My aging eyes are making it harder to keep things in focus. Oh, well, still I was able to get something.

And, now the rhubarb. I'm at a loss. I don't generally make desserts every week, so I'm thinking that I can just chop these right up and freeze them until I have a good amount to make a crisp.

There's definitely going to be a lot of cooking going on this holiday weekend. And since we'll be heading to the trailer, there will be lots of outdoor cooking.

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