Friday, December 25, 2009

Introducing Teddy Marley

I made this! It took me one whole trimester and a whole lot of tinkering, but he's finally done! There was a lot of uncertainty and frustration with how the pattern was written, but he got done. I'm suppposed to make sweater for Teddy, but have opted to just clothe him in a t-shirt. But, this one is a little too big. Baby will get it when she's older. It cracked me up when I realized that Baby Girl will be smaller than Teddy. He'll just have to sit and wait in the corner of the crib for her to grow a little bigger.

I hope she loves him!

Last week, I found this CD at a local shop and I just had to have it. I wrote about Bob Marley for my doctorate dissertation, but unfortunately, I have not been able to listen to his music since then. I am very excited to have a very different reason to listen to Marley and how cute is this?

Now, take a look at the original Wailer's album and compare the cover art for both these CDs. Too cute!


Anise Mazone McDowell said...

Teddy Marley is too cute!

kat said...

Good job on that teddy bear!

lotus said...

Thanks Anise! I think he's adorable!!

And, thanks to you, Kat! Praise from you means a lot as I think of you as an expert knitter!