Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Sun Sets on 2009

These were the questions I was asking last year: The trail, I ask myself, where is the trail leading? Does the answer even matter, aside from the idea that it leads away and out?Away from what? And out of where? My life is good, but I can't help dwelling on the idea that there's got to be more. More of what? Something. There's got be something more.

It seems the trail has led me to here. And, here I am. How utterly surprising to be here. I am pleasantly astonished that I did not need to go away and out, but rather, in and around my life, my city, my purpose. There is so much around me to celebrate: my husband that provides constant support, my city that provides countless opportunity, my community that provides endless variety, my home that provides security and comfort, and my baby who soon will provide some many nameless things.

This sunset represent to me the end of one phase and the beginning of another. The beginning of a new adventure, totally unpredictable, but sure to full of love and joy.

Cheers to the Universe! I offer a toast to the new decade. And, am thankful for all the goodness in my life!

I wish you all a safe and fabulous New Year!

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