Thursday, August 27, 2009

Glory in the Morning

This summer is the first time I noticed the fleeting life a morning glory. I imagine the short life is not so apparent when there are many dozens of this flower growing in one area, say on a fence or trellis. I have mine twining up thin bamboo stakes and every couple of days one or two will gloriously bloom. But by the evening the flower is a wilted remnant.

With just a slight shift in stance or focus, the picture changes so dramatically. And this is my lesson for the day. Change the perspective slightly and a whole new vision is formed. This is what I am trying as a means to understand all the changes in my life. I recently heard a radio program on WOJB that discussed the healing therapy of art. The program made me think about my photography in so many new ways. Perhaps with each frame there will be something more for me to learn.

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