Monday, August 31, 2009

Weekend Fire

It's been three months since I featured a weekend fire. And that really represents how little we went to the Airstream retreat this summer. The summer is coming to an end and I am left wondering where it went. I spent the summer in a fog of morning sickness and I distinctly remember thinking how wonderful it was going to be to have summer done and over with. But now that it's here, I am sad for the end.

The August weekend fires always have corn in them. This is my favorite way of cooking up corn. The corn has a bit of the smokiness from the fire and I love the process of peeling away the steamy husks. I had a friend who grew up on a farm and she always watched with disgust as fellow campers cooked up corn this way, muttering that cooked worm looked the same as a cooked kernel. I try not to think about that and when I did this year, I told myself "oh well, baby needs the protein."

Weekend Fire

It's been three months since I featured a weekend fire. And that really represents how little we went to the Airstream retreat this summer. The summer is coming to an end and I am left wondering where it went. I spent the summer in a fog of morning sickness and I distinctly remember thinking how wonderful it was going to be to have summer done and over with. But now that it's here, I am sad for the end.

The August weekend fires always have corn in them. This is my favorite way of cooking up corn. The corn has a bit of the smokiness from the fire and I love the process of peeling away the steamy husks. I had a friend who grew up on a farm and she always watched with disgust as fellow campers cooked up corn this way, muttering that cooked worm looked the same as a cooked kernel. I try not to think about that and when I did this year, I told myself "oh well, baby needs the protein."

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Red Hot Chili Peppers

These of course are grown for the Big D. I overheard him the other days referring to the red hot chili peppers as he was watering the garden. I remember when we first hooked up and started merging living spaces, Blood Sugar Sex Magik was one of the few CDs that we both had. Weird how this is the first time I've noticed how prophetic this title is for our lives together. Being married to a diabetic the words "blood sugar" is so frequently used in this household. And "sex magik"? Yah, sure, we sure as hell found that!

Red Hot Chili Peppers

These of course are grown for the Big D. I overheard him the other days referring to the red hot chili peppers as he was watering the garden. I remember when we first hooked up and started merging living spaces, Blood Sugar Sex Magik was one of the few CDs that we both had. Weird how this is the first time I've noticed how prophetic this title is for our lives together. Being married to a diabetic the words "blood sugar" is so frequently used in this household. And "sex magik"? Yah, sure, we sure as hell found that!

Friday, August 28, 2009

End of summer blooms

What can I say? I'm a sucker for shooting flowers. This morning every single one in the garden seemed to be posing for shots. It's the end of August, meaning it's the end of summer. The State Fair started today and that always signifies the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. And now, for the third year in a row, I am now longer affected by this cycle. Still feeling adrift...but at least I'm surrounded by beautiful flowers.

End of summer blooms

What can I say? I'm a sucker for shooting flowers. This morning every single one in the garden seemed to be posing for shots. It's the end of August, meaning it's the end of summer. The State Fair started today and that always signifies the end of summer and the beginning of the school year. And now, for the third year in a row, I am now longer affected by this cycle. Still feeling adrift...but at least I'm surrounded by beautiful flowers.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Glory in the Morning

This summer is the first time I noticed the fleeting life a morning glory. I imagine the short life is not so apparent when there are many dozens of this flower growing in one area, say on a fence or trellis. I have mine twining up thin bamboo stakes and every couple of days one or two will gloriously bloom. But by the evening the flower is a wilted remnant.

With just a slight shift in stance or focus, the picture changes so dramatically. And this is my lesson for the day. Change the perspective slightly and a whole new vision is formed. This is what I am trying as a means to understand all the changes in my life. I recently heard a radio program on WOJB that discussed the healing therapy of art. The program made me think about my photography in so many new ways. Perhaps with each frame there will be something more for me to learn.

Glory in the Morning

This summer is the first time I noticed the fleeting life a morning glory. I imagine the short life is not so apparent when there are many dozens of this flower growing in one area, say on a fence or trellis. I have mine twining up thin bamboo stakes and every couple of days one or two will gloriously bloom. But by the evening the flower is a wilted remnant.

With just a slight shift in stance or focus, the picture changes so dramatically. And this is my lesson for the day. Change the perspective slightly and a whole new vision is formed. This is what I am trying as a means to understand all the changes in my life. I recently heard a radio program on WOJB that discussed the healing therapy of art. The program made me think about my photography in so many new ways. Perhaps with each frame there will be something more for me to learn.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A Refreshing Change

About a month ago, the Big D and I were at the local Co-op. Him, juggling three gallon-sized water bottles. Me, trying to find something to ward off morning sickness [more on that later, or maybe just another time]. We both rush in past the table set up in the front door, but I returned to the entrance to get a shopping cart, because handling three empty water bottles is far easier than dealing with three full ones.

I got interested in this lady sitting in the entrance apparently trying to recruit co-op members to run for the Board of Directors. Sounds interesting to me. I'm a member, I've got nothing, nada, zilch going on in my life right now. Well, nothing except for the weary task of making a baby within my own body. [Jeez, so this is what being female is all about? More on that later, or maybe just some other time.]

I keep distracting myself by dwelling on my biological functions. But, what I really want to do is talk about this refreshing change in my life. Not the baby, but the Board.

So, I'm going to run, that means, I'm going to throw my name in for the election. I've never, ever been able to "win" something like this. In some ways it makes me think about popularity contests, haunting memories of unsuccessful bids for student council, etc. But, what the heck, I'm an adult now...and a woman of color. Sadly, there are no people of color on the Board so maybe my brown face will attract some voters.

Yet, another distraction by my biological features...Anyway, so I attended a Board meeting last night. Some would call it boring. I found it utterly fascinating. Most of it was completely over my head and it's rare that I leave a situation where I am astounded by the flow of new ideas, complex projects, and revolutionary discussions.

What really got me - here it is, the thing I wanted to talk about - is that the Board President and the General Manager of the Coop both seemed brilliant and really knew their thing. This is astonishing to me! I rarely encountered this at the University! The College of Liberal Arts was a work environment where the guy answering the phones and booking advising appointment knew more than the Associate Dean and Assistant Dean with their heads put together. I am not exaggerating. Not in the least bit! That the College dealt with leaders more engrossed with their insecure personalities and their failed academic career attempts to be faculty stars was something I knew that just needed to be dealt with in a daily working relationship. But now that I'm out, I am duly impressed with the idea that competent leaders can and will bring about productive environments. And in this case, I believe that these Co-op folks will bring about positive, perhaps revolutionary change!

It was exciting for me! After leaving the University I was jaded, thinking the world was an unproductive place where people just putzed around in the daily grind. Sure there were bright spots here and there but that seemed mostly created by brilliant talented people who did so on their own accord. I couldn't figure out how to make this happen in my own life.

Truth is I was totally isolated, sheltered perhaps, at the University. Living in but not engaged in this great neighborhood where I've owned a home for the last twelve years - NE Minneapolis. Was I a snob? This is a serious question for me. Was I more concerned with global change through University initiatives, rather than seeing the local potential of my neighborhood? The diversity represented on the Central Avenue business district is staggering. It makes me stumble on my feet and stammer out defensive reasons for living where I live - smack dab in the middle of white, Minnesota nice.

And, although this diversity may not be represented in the Co-op Board, perhaps I can be the one to help change that. These folks are doing a great job, but with four new seats open, the doors of opportunity are wide open for me to step in and connect - locally!

A Refreshing Change

About a month ago, the Big D and I were at the local Co-op. Him, juggling three gallon-sized water bottles. Me, trying to find something to ward off morning sickness [more on that later, or maybe just another time]. We both rush in past the table set up in the front door, but I returned to the entrance to get a shopping cart, because handling three empty water bottles is far easier than dealing with three full ones.

I got interested in this lady sitting in the entrance apparently trying to recruit co-op members to run for the Board of Directors. Sounds interesting to me. I'm a member, I've got nothing, nada, zilch going on in my life right now. Well, nothing except for the weary task of making a baby within my own body. [Jeez, so this is what being female is all about? More on that later, or maybe just some other time.]

I keep distracting myself by dwelling on my biological functions. But, what I really want to do is talk about this refreshing change in my life. Not the baby, but the Board.

So, I'm going to run, that means, I'm going to throw my name in for the election. I've never, ever been able to "win" something like this. In some ways it makes me think about popularity contests, haunting memories of unsuccessful bids for student council, etc. But, what the heck, I'm an adult now...and a woman of color. Sadly, there are no people of color on the Board so maybe my brown face will attract some voters.

Yet, another distraction by my biological features...Anyway, so I attended a Board meeting last night. Some would call it boring. I found it utterly fascinating. Most of it was completely over my head and it's rare that I leave a situation where I am astounded by the flow of new ideas, complex projects, and revolutionary discussions.

What really got me - here it is, the thing I wanted to talk about - is that the Board President and the General Manager of the Coop both seemed brilliant and really knew their thing. This is astonishing to me! I rarely encountered this at the University! The College of Liberal Arts was a work environment where the guy answering the phones and booking advising appointment knew more than the Associate Dean and Assistant Dean with their heads put together. I am not exaggerating. Not in the least bit! That the College dealt with leaders more engrossed with their insecure personalities and their failed academic career attempts to be faculty stars was something I knew that just needed to be dealt with in a daily working relationship. But now that I'm out, I am duly impressed with the idea that competent leaders can and will bring about productive environments. And in this case, I believe that these Co-op folks will bring about positive, perhaps revolutionary change!

It was exciting for me! After leaving the University I was jaded, thinking the world was an unproductive place where people just putzed around in the daily grind. Sure there were bright spots here and there but that seemed mostly created by brilliant talented people who did so on their own accord. I couldn't figure out how to make this happen in my own life.

Truth is I was totally isolated, sheltered perhaps, at the University. Living in but not engaged in this great neighborhood where I've owned a home for the last twelve years - NE Minneapolis. Was I a snob? This is a serious question for me. Was I more concerned with global change through University initiatives, rather than seeing the local potential of my neighborhood? The diversity represented on the Central Avenue business district is staggering. It makes me stumble on my feet and stammer out defensive reasons for living where I live - smack dab in the middle of white, Minnesota nice.

And, although this diversity may not be represented in the Co-op Board, perhaps I can be the one to help change that. These folks are doing a great job, but with four new seats open, the doors of opportunity are wide open for me to step in and connect - locally!