Tuesday, November 18, 2008

november changes

Now that all the leaves are gone and the region shades itself with browns and grays, I think about how so much can change in just one week...from the oak reds...

...to the golden beauty of the maples...

I'm reading Ellen Meloy's The Anthropology of Turquoise and in it, she explores how the body experiences color and constructs a connection to home; "Color is the first principle of Place." Color intoxicates the senses, makes suggestions to the nose, imprints upon memory, invokes emotion, beckons the touch, and fills the heart.

Here, I am surrounded by all manner of color: a riot of reds, browns, greens, yellows. The land where I choose to live is the full spectrum of nature's creation. Each season brings on a fresh palette of color...

....and soon, this will blanket the earth...

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